Developed by the Basque Culinary Center and the Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), the report The Contribution of Gastronomy to the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals will be presented this afternoon at 18:00 at the Secretariat (Paseo de Recoletos, 8).
The conclusions and different visions that make up the study will be presented by different experts. The presentation will be attended by Andrés Allamand, SEGIB Ibero-American Secretary General; Joxe Mari Aizega, Director of the Basque Culinary Center; Bittor Oroz, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy of the Basque Government; and Laura Oroz, Director of Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean of the AECID.
The main objectives of the study are to analyse the potential of gastronomy and food as generators of sustainable development in Ibero-America; to make visible the value of gastronomy as a strategic driver of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); to reflect on the situation generated by the pandemic, its effect on gastronomy and food, and to propose strategies for recovery based on sustainability. And finally, to support the technical and academic reflection carried out by the Ibero-American Conference for the implementation of the Ibero-American Plan for Sustainable Gastronomy and Food, PIGA_2030, recently approved by the countries of the Ibero-American Conference.