The photographic exhibition Marisol: El resplandor de un mito (Marisol: The Shining of a Myth), which brings together 39 snapshots of the actress and singer from Malaga signed by César Lucas between 1963 and 1973, the decade after which Pepa Flores became a national legend, can be visited at the headquarters of the Academia de Cine in Madrid (Calle Zurbano, 3) until Friday 2 September.
The exhibition, which opened on 8 June and has been extended for more than a month, is curated by Sylvie Imbert. The exhibition is open to the public and admission is free. Pepa Flores ‘Marisol’ was distinguished with the Goya of Honour 2020, an award that the three daughters of the artist collected on her behalf in Malaga.