With the aim of reflecting on the presence of the LGBT community in the Jewish world, Centro Sefarad-Israel has prepared a special programme of activities for the last week of June to coincide with the celebration of International LGBT Pride Day on Tuesday 28 June.
The different conferences that have been programmed will analyse the needs posed by the inclusion of diverse sexual orientations in Judaism. This evening at 7 p.m., professor and philosopher Pablo Dreizik will give an online talk entitled Proust in Jerusalem. Developing our legitimate queerness. In this conference, Professor Dreizik will analyse the coexistence of Jewish identity and belonging to the LGTB collective, starting with the figure of the writer Marcel Proust (in the photo), whose death is 100 years ago.
On Tuesday 28 June at 6 p.m., the lawyer and professor of Social Sciences Claudio Román, and the professor of History Joel Kaplan will give the online conference Pink Triangle: The LGTBIQ+ collective as victims of Nazism, in charge. On Wednesday 29 June, also at 18:00, the online conference LGTBIQ+. Inclusion within Judaism, by Gustavo Michanie, president of the World Congress GLBT Jews Keshet Ga’Avah. Finally, on Thursday 30 June, at the same time, Yossi Martín, from Keshet Sefarad, will give the lecture Being Jewish and gay: otherness of othernesses, everything is otherness. Free admission, subject to confirmation on the Centre’s website.