Directed by Joseph Kosinski, the long-awaited sequel starring and produced by Tom Cruise, Top Gun: Maverick, has been released. The actor is joined by an all-star cast, including Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Glen Powell, Ed Harris and Val Kilmer, among others.
A sequel to the original film starring Tom Cruise, the film shows Maverick 30 years later. The protagonist is still one of the best aviators training and educating new generations. After more than 30 years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Mavericks” Mitchel finds himself where he always wanted to be, pushing the limits as a brave test pilot and dodging the rank promotion that would keep him from flying by grounding him. When he is training a group of Top Gun graduates for a specialised mission, Maverick finds himself there with Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), the son of his late friend “Goose”…
Top Gun marked a whole generation that fell in love with its protagonists, vibrated with the spectacular flight scenes (spectacular in this film), and wore some of Maverick’s iconic pieces such as his aviator jacket or the RayBan Aviator 3025 sunglasses.