The Diplomat
UNWTO announced this week that Spain and Ivory Coast have been elected respectively Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on matters relating to the Affiliate Members’ Collective for the period 2022 – 2023, following elections that “took place in a completely normal manner”.
In addition to the election of its Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Committee on matters relating to the Affiliate Members‘ Collective devoted its first meeting, held in Madrid, to analyzing all the candidatures for UNWTO Affiliate Membership. The Committee will present its assessment to the members of the Executive Council at its 116th session, to be held on June 7-8 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The Committee, which replaces and systematically expands the mandate of the former Nominations Review Committee, will serve as an institutional framework “necessary to strengthen the ongoing collaboration between UNWTO and the private sector represented by the Affiliate Members,” says UNWTO.
The Committee has expressed its readiness to start working together with the Board of Directors of the Affiliate Members and the Secretariat to identify the needs of the Affiliate Members for a recovery of the tourism sector in both its public and private components.