The Instituto Cultural Rumano of Madrid and the Lucian Blaga Union of Romanian Writers and Artists in Spain, in collaboration with the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and under the auspices of the Romanian Embassy, are organising today an International Colloquium on Lucian Blaga – between tradition and modernity.
The Romanian poet, playwright and philosopher Lucian Blaga (1895-1961) is considered one of the great Romanian poets of the 20th century and the first Romanian philosopher to develop a system. At 10 am, at the Complutense University of Madrid (building D, Room D-01, Plaza Menéndez Pelayo S/N), Lucian Blaga’s work will be presented, with lectures by Eugeniu Nistor, Scientific Researcher at the Romanian Academy – Myth and Metaphor in Lucian Blaga’s Philosophy; and Adrian Lesenciuc, literary critic, President of the Union of Romanian Writers, Brașov Branch – The Light of Culture and Knowledge in Lucian Blaga’s Poetry.
At 7 p.m., at the headquarters of the Instituto Cultural Rumano in Madrid (Pl. del Cordón, 1, bajo derecha), the round table Lucian Blaga in the European Context will take place. Participants: Eugenia Popeanga Chelaru, Eugeniu Nistor, Adrian Lesenciuc, Ovidiu Constantin Cornilă and by videoconference the translator and poet Corina Oproae, translator of the poetry anthology The Light I Feel, by Lucian Blaga.