Author: Juan Claudio de Ramón.
Last week the Italian Embassy presented the book Roma desordenada, written by the diplomat Juan Claudio de Ramón, written from a very personal and multifaceted perspective, with erudition and the emotion of a foreigner who discovers himself to be a Roman, a mosaic of historical facts, anecdotes, curiosities, gastronomy and literary and artistic coves in different periods.
Roma desordenada is the passionate story of the traveller who, happily captivated, becomes an inhabitant of one of the best-known and yet, because it is so vast, unknown cities in the world. And the fact is that “to say that all roads lead to Rome is less accurate than to say that all roads leave from Rome”.
Rome allows to be voyeurs of our own history. From the tombs of the Etruscans to the mundane Via Veneto, from Nero to Pasolini, via Caravaggio, Bernini, Borromini and Winckelmann – with a Spanish stopover in Alberti, Zambrano and Gaya – this is a book that sets out to reassemble the stones of an eternal masonry to tell it all over again about the city that knows everything.
Pages: 344
Publisher: SIRUELA
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788419207470
RPP: 21,80 euros