The Diplomat
Eight out of ten Spaniards are quite or very concerned about the political situation and blame it on Vox and the PSOE rather than the PP or Unidas Podemos, according to the latest survey published by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).
In the poll, carried out between 26 and 29 April, at the start of the Pegasus crisis, when only talk of alleged spying on pro-independence politicians was in the air, 11.5% of those surveyed cite Vox as the party that most foments tension, followed by the PSOE, mentioned by 10.8%. In third place is the PP, with 6.2 %, followed by Unidas Podemos, which is blamed by 4.9 % of citizens.
Of all those interviewed, 53.7 % blamed politicians and parties for the tension, and 11.8 % blamed the media.
A majority of 79.2% of Spaniards admit that they are “very” or “quite” concerned about the tension, compared to 16.9% who are “not very or not at all” worried about it. In this context, 89.7 % consider it ‘very’ or ‘quite’ important for the parties to reach State pacts on key national political issues.
Among these pacts, those surveyed by the CIS cite the price of energy, gender violence, energy transition, the management of European funds, foreign policy with respect to Ukraine, foreign policy with Morocco and the Sahara, and, in last place, the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary.
Another of the survey’s conclusions is that seven out of ten of those surveyed support the idea that the government should go to the list with the most votes in the elections, as has been the case in Congress until now. And 52.4% would agree that, in order to facilitate governability, the winner should be awarded a bonus of seats, as is the case in Greece, Italy and other countries.