The Instituto Italiano de Cultura of Madrid presented yesterday the new edition of the cycle of streaming concerts Música|aɔisùM, in which Spain and Italy unite through culture and music, and aims to serve as a meeting point and artistic creation through the remote performance of artists of different genres.
The presentation of the cycle took place yesterday in the theatre of the Institute and was attended by Marialuisa Pappalardo, director of the Institute of Culture of Madrid, who was accompanied by Irene Larraza, general director of the Extepare Euskal Institutua; Massimo Di Stefano, director of Esound Music Arts Agency; the flautist María Toro and the artists Jon Maya Sein, Daniele Di Bonaventura, Stefano Scarani and Raúl Rodriguez, the latter telematically.
This afternoon the first of the three concerts in the series will take place, featuring María Toro (in the photo) and Daniele Di Bonaventura. On 26 May it will be the turn of the Kukai Dantza company with the Italian dancer Valentina Pedica and the Italian musicians Alberto Morelli and Stefano Scarani. The cycle will close in June with the singer Emilia Zamuner and the musician Raúl Rodríguez. These unique concerts can be viewed free of charge on the Institute’s YouTube and Facebook channels.