Author: Alfredo Joignant.
The author of this book, Alfredo Joignant (Professor of Political Science at the Diego Portales University in Chile and Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion -COES-), comments: “This book was first published in English in 2019 by Routledge, under a title that is difficult to translate into Spanish: Acting Politics: a Critical Sociology of the Political Field, where the noun “acting” resonates both as action and performance. Through this noun, what I set out to do was to describe from the title itself the functioning of the contemporary political field and the activity that takes place within it (actions, but also performances, in the theatrical and dramaturgical sense of the term). Given the difficulty of translating the noun while preserving its polysemy in English, I quickly gave up, looking for another image to evoke the same thing. The solution I arrived at was to call this book The Political Game: A Critical Sociology of the Political Field (The Political Play: A Critical Sociology of the Political Field), precisely because the notion of play not only contains the possibility of abstracting from reality in all kinds of cultures, but above all of acting as if the political world were a theatre, in front of audiences that are not necessarily attentive to what is happening there. In other words, if there is a political game within a differentiated space, it is because those who play it are actors through representations that are not only theatrical, but also symbolic of the interests of individuals and groups that are being represented through a struggle that is not only playful, but also agonal.
Pages: 248
Publisher: TECNOS
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788430984633
RPP: 20,85 euros