Next Sunday 24 April at 6 p.m., the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid presents a benefit concert of Baroque music in its Salón de Actos to raise funds for the Emergency Committee, a union of six NGOs (Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Educo, Médicos del Mundo, Oxfam Intermón, Plan International and World Vision) working to alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The concert will be given by Infermi d’Amore, a group founded by the Ukrainian violinist Vadym Makarenko and made up of musicians from Spain, the United States, Canada, Italy and France, who will perform works from the 18th century Italian Baroque. Tickets are already on sale. A “fila cero” has also been set up for donations of between 20 and 240 euros. Tickets and donations at this link.