The Diplomat
The economic expert and former editor-in-chief of the newspaper El País, Miguel Ángel Noceda, was the speaker at the third Tertulia of The Diplomat, which analyzed the possibility of the Iberian Peninsula becoming an energy hub for the whole of Europe.
The face-to-face meeting, held at the Hotel Meliá Madrid Serrano and with the collaboration of HM Hospitales de Madrid in compliance with all health and safety measures, was attended by more than twenty diplomats interested in unraveling the keys to the upcoming energy challenges in Spain and their consequences for the rest of the European Union, at a time when the energy challenge coincides with the war in Ukraine.
The Diplomat’s Tertulias are held every month. They address different aspects of Spanish politics, economy and society. Their objective is to offer foreign diplomats different approaches and points of view on the Spanish reality, under the condition of strict confidentiality of what is discussed in the room.