The Diplomat
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress yesterday unanimously approved a non-legislative motion to condemn “with the utmost firmness” the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a minimal text which takes up the statement that could not be read last week during the monographic plenary session on Ukraine because of the refusal of the CUP.
The motion -signed by PSOE, PP, Vox, Unidas Podemos, ERC, Ciudadanos, PNV, Bildu, PNV and Junts, in this case representing the Plural Group- “repudiates with the utmost firmness the military actions perpetrated by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, which represent a serious violation of international law and an unjustified aggression that undermines European security and stability”, and “firmly demands the Russian Federation to respect international legality, abandon weapons and return to diplomatic channels”.
It also calls for “the immediate cessation of hostilities and the full withdrawal of the Russian Army from Ukraine”, declares “its support and full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine” and calls “for a return to the Minsk agreements”. Apart from that, the text “shows Ukraine and its people all its solidarity and affection, deplores the loss of lives, conveys its deep regret for the victims and the unnecessary suffering of the population and extends this feeling to the Ukrainian community residing in our country”.
On the other hand, the motion urges the European Union “to offer the necessary financial and humanitarian support, in coordination with the international community as a whole, to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, as well as to redouble efforts in the emergency humanitarian response and to remind Russia of the obligation to respect international humanitarian law.” It also calls on the EU “to organize, as soon as possible, for the reception in the best possible conditions of the refugees that this military attack is causing” and to redouble “efforts to promote diplomatic efforts aimed at de-escalation and peacekeeping”. “Finally, the Congress of Deputies urges the Government to continue advancing in the plan coordinated with Autonomous Communities and Local Entities for the reception of Ukrainian refugees in our country.”
The only point of discord during the debate occurred with the decision of the PP to introduce two amendments – to support the candidacy of Ukraine to the EU and to support the Spanish soldiers deployed in NATO missions on the eastern flank – despite the fact that the text had already been agreed by all the groups, an initiative that was criticized by the spokesmen of PSOE and Unidas Podemos and that was justified by the PP spokeswoman, Valentina Martínez Ferro, who regretted “the refusal of some groups and parties to reach a consensus, give in and dialogue”.
After the approval, the spokesman of Unidas Podemos, Antón Gómez-Reino, described as “good news” that a text has been agreed that “tries to represent a common position” and Ana Belén Fernández Casero, of the PSOE, urged to park the “ideological differences” because, at this time, the “seriousness of the facts” advises “not to confront”.
On the other hand, both the Foreign Affairs spokesman of the PSOE, Sergio Gutiérrez, and Valentina Martínez, of the PP, defended during the debate that the President of Ukraine, Volodomir Zelenski, be invited to address the Congress by videoconference, in the same way as he has already done before other national Parliaments, such as the British one. “That appearance via telematic is taking place in other Parliaments around the world and is being a clear support to international legality and respect for human rights,” said Gutierrez. Vox spokesman, Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros, has requested in writing that Zelenski be granted the opportunity to use Congress as a “loudspeaker” in the face of the “unjustifiable” Russian attack.
Sánchez in Versailles
For his part, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, participated yesterday in the first day of the informal summit of the Heads of State and Government of the European Union on the European model of growth and investment for the year 2030, convened by the French Presidency of the EU in Versailles, and which addressed “the situation arising from the unjust invasion of Ukraine perpetrated by Putin and its social and economic consequences”, as he himself told the press. At the end of this first session, European leaders reaffirm their support to Ukraine and address issues such as the reinforcement of the EU defense or the reduction of energy dependencies, according to Moncloa.At the end of this first session, European leaders reaffirm their support to Ukraine and address issues such as the reinforcement of the EU defense or the reduction of energy dependencies, according to Moncloa. In this sense, Sánchez affirmed before his counterparts that, after the conflict in Ukraine, “it is the moment” to start up interconnections from Spain of gas and green hydrogen financed by the European Union and which will help European energy autonomy.
Hours earlier, Pedro Sánchez himself visited -accompanied by the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá- the Center for Attention, Reception and Referral of Ukrainian Refugees in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), where he announced that today a plane chartered by the Ministry of Defense will arrive in Spain with 20 or 30 Ukrainian children suffering from some kind of cancer, accompanied by their relatives. He also conveyed to the Ukrainian refugees who are in Spain “the commitment and solidarity of the Spanish people” and assured them that, during the time they are among us, they will be able to feel as if they were in their own country, “with all the rights, permits and capacities” to attend to their needs.