As part of the film series Retrospective: The César Awards, this evening at 8pm, the Instituto Francés of Madrid is screening the film The Sister Brothers, directed in 2018 by Jacques Audiard and starring Joaquin Phoenix, John C. Reilly, Jake Gyllenhaal and Riz Ahmed. In original version with Spanish subtitles.
In 1850, Brothers Charlie and Eli Sisters live in a wild and hostile world, in the middle of a gold rush. Their hands are stained with the blood of both criminals and innocent people. They have no scruples when it comes to killing. It’s their job. Charlie (Joaquin Phoenix), the younger brother, was born to kill. Eli (John C. Reilly), however, dreams of leading a normal life. Both are hired by the Commodore to find and kill Hermann Kermit Warm (Riz Ahmed), a gold prospector. From Oregon to California, a ruthless hunt begins, a journey that will test the insane bond between the two brothers. It can be pre-ordered at this link.