Dedicated exclusively to Japanese cinema, the second edition of the Japanese Film Festival Online will be held in Spain from 14 to 27 February. Thanks to its online format, you can enjoy a wide selection of the best Japanese cinema from home, completely free of charge.
In this edition, the Japanese Film Festival Online brings 18 films of all genres and for all tastes to explore the fascinating world of Japanese cinema. From comedy to drama, from documentary to thriller, including, of course, a representation of the best Japanese animation, for two weeks the Festival takes the viewer to Japan, its landscapes, its gastronomy and its language.
And all of this is completely free and easily accessible through the improved online platform that the festival organisers have created for the occasion. All you need to do is register and create an account that will give you access to watch all the films of the Festival at the most convenient time during the 48 hours following the screening of each film. The films to be screened can be consulted at this link.