Rafael Álvarez ‘El Brujo’ returns to Madrid with his new show Los dioses y Dios, a free reflection based on Plautus’ Anfitrión. A monologue that rescues the peculiar rhapsodic spirit of El Brujo, which can be seen at the Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid.
After its premiere at the last edition of the 67th Mérida Festival, El Brujo returns to Madrid with a project that focuses on an ancient myth that Plautus adapted to his needs as a comedian, with the language of his own time, tics, jokes and current references. It retains some of the essence, although the accent is on the theatricality of the misunderstandings and the details of humour. This procedure will be the same for reflecting on the myth that Plautus handles, but adapted to the language, psychology and concerns of today’s audiences.
The show is a surprising, exciting and comical journey through the mythology or mythologies to which human beings cling when they look into the abyss of the unknown. “To elucidate the mystery of life is the incessant yearning of all wisdom”, says El Brujo. “At the moment there is no science that can illuminate the unknown origin, or the final destiny of existence. That is why there is art, metaphor, tale, theatre, story”, he adds. Tickets can be purchased at this link.