The Diplomat
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress urged Spanish Government to condemn “all existing dictatorships” in accordance with UN reports, to report before the Chamber on its “concrete measures in defense of democracy and human rights” and to maintain “direct contacts with the democratic opposition” in its official hearings.
The non-legislative proposal, presented by the Popular Parliamentary Group in Congress, approved by the Commission last December 16, 2021 and published by the Official Gazette of the Lower House last Thursday, urges the Government to “condemn all violations of Human Rights that occur in the world, according to the reports of the United Nations Organization and specialized NGOs, regardless of the country in which they occur or who are the alleged perpetrators of such violation”.
It also asks the Government to condemn “all existing dictatorships according to UN reports” and to work, “within the framework of the United Nations and the EU, in favor of democracy and human rights” and asks the Executive that, “in the framework of the periodic appearances in the Foreign Affairs Committee”, to report on “the specific measures in defense of democracy and human rights that the Government has promoted in the bilateral dialogue with the different countries according to the commitments made in the Foreign Action Strategy of the Kingdom of Spain 2021-2024”.
It also urges the Government to “continue to offer our Embassies as open spaces for the defenders of human rights and freedoms in the world, a reflection of a society, the Spanish society, supportive and committed to democratic values and civil rights beyond its borders”, as well as to “maintain direct contacts with the defenders of human rights and promoters of democracy in the different countries that today are under dictatorial regimes as stipulated in the Foreign Action Strategy of the Kingdom of Spain 2021-2024″ and to maintain “direct contacts with the democratic opposition by members of the Government of Spain during their visit to the country in question”.