The Diplomat
The Council of Ministers has modified the budget expenditure limits with the aim of remodeling and refurbishing the headquarters of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU in Brussels (REPER) in view of the Spanish Presidency in 2023.
According to the project, the estimated cost for the remodeling of the headquarters, located in the so-called Spain complex -composed by four adjacent buildings-, amounts to 472,679.5 euros, with an expected execution of between five and six months during the year 2022, although it will try to start early in the current fiscal year.
To this end, the Council of Ministers approved this past Tuesday an agreement by which the spending limits are modified, charged to future fiscal years -according to the provisions of Article 47 of the General Budgetary Law-, so that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can carry out the remodeling and refurbishment works of the headquarters.
“Taking into account that during the second half of 2023 Spain will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, it is essential to remodel these spaces, specifically several floors of the Ducale building, enlarging and refurbishing them, which will improve their distribution and functionality”, the Executive assured.
On the other hand, and in anticipation of the increase in personnel, meetings and protocol and representation activities that will take place during the preparation and development of the Spanish Presidency, another file has been initiated for the refurbishment of the accesses and other common areas of its facilities in order to adapt them to current and future needs. The base bidding budget for the technical assistance of the project, the management and execution of the works will be 65,000 euros (VAT excluded).