Adolfo Roitman, director of the Shrine of the Book and curator of the Dead Sea Scrolls, will give an online conference tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Centro Sefarad-Israel on the mystery surrounding the discovery of these scrolls, with the aim of revealing their contents to the general public and thus presenting the Dead Sea Scrolls in all their grandeur, placing them in their historical, social and religious context.
The central manuscripts of the Qumran Library, also known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, are preserved in the Jerusalem Shrine of the Book in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. A total of 972 documents written mainly in Hebrew and Aramaic, some of them considered the oldest testimony of the biblical text found to date. Among them, the Habakkuk scroll stands out, a fundamental element for studies on Judaism and Christianity. The conference can be followed on Centro Sefarad-Israel’s YouTube channel.