The Diplomat
The Embassy of Azerbaijan celebrated the first anniversary of Victory Day and Flag Day at the Intercontinental Hotel in Madrid with a dinner hosted by Ambassador Ramiz Hasanov and his wife.
After the playing of the national anthems of Azerbaijan and Spain, Ambassador Ramiz Hasanov stressed that the year 2020 “was written in golden letters in the History of Azerbaijan” since, as he noted, “as a result of the decisive leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in accordance with the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan were restored with the implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions adopted in 1993, thus putting an end to the 30-year conflict”.
The head of the Azerbaijani mission assured, after paying tribute to the soldiers killed during the war, that “the new realities in the region and the existence of a favorable basis for strengthening peace and stability” allow “to start a new stage of development in Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus region”.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Parliament and the Government of Spain, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Spain, including the ambassadors of Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and South Korea.
In their speeches the members of the Azerbaijani Parliament – the chairman of the International and Interparliamentary Relations Committee, Samad Seyidov, and the head of the Azerbaijan-Spain interparliamentary working group, Sevil Mikayilova, emphasized that the Victory Day has a special place in the history of Azerbaijan.
November 9 was declared Azerbaijan Flag Day by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
Azerbaijani musicians Sabina Arabli, Alakbar Alakbarov and Khayyam Mammadov enlivened the event with ‘mugham’ pieces; violinist Kamran Omarli, a graduate of the Queen Sofia School of Music, and soprano Tahmina Vakilova performed classical music; and guitarist Jamil Guliyev played different pieces of Spanish music.
During the event, postal stamps dedicated to Azerbaijan’s Victory Day, specially issued in Spain, were also presented.