The British comedy Blithe Spirit (Un espíritu burlón), directed by Edward Hall and scripted by Piers Ashworth, Meg Leonard and Nick Moorcroft, based on the play by Noël Coward, hits theatres today, Friday. The film stars Dan Stevens, Isla Fisher, Leslie Mann and the always brilliant Judi Dench.
This film, which is very reminiscent of those directed by Woody Allen, tells the story of Charles, a famous novel writer, who suffers from a creative block. To help him find inspiration, his wife Ruth arranges a seance with the eccentric medium Madame Arcati. However, the spiritualist accidentally summons the ghost of Charles’s jealous Elvira, Charles’s deceased first wife. When Elvira discovers that her husband has remarried, she will try to make his life miserable and boycott his new marriage.