The Diplomat
The Colombian Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, María Ximena Lombana, has stressed the need to increase collaboration between the public and private sectors in Ibero-America and Colombia and has placed herself “at the disposal” of the Business Council Alliance for Ibero-America (CEAPI) to promote this cooperation.
“This dialogue and joint work between the public and private sectors is very necessary, and from the Ministry we want to participate in all these initiatives,” said the minister after meeting with the president of CEAPI, Núria Vilanova, and Colombian business leaders, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in Bogota.
“The most important thing for Colombia is the pro-business and pro-entrepreneurship vision,” a vision that the current government has advocated since the beginning of its mandate, she continued. “All of CEAPI’s messages are very positive and we, from the Ministry, will have to coin all these initiatives to have a permanent dialogue with investors, companies and entrepreneurs,” he added.
For her part, Núria Vilanova explained the new projects that the organization is already developing in favor of the growth of the Ibero-American business sector and presented the results of the latest CEAPI study, Why Ibero-America, which advocates the need for greater investment in the area.
The president of CEAPI ended the event by expressing her gratitude to both the minister and the other guests for defending and maintaining the spirit of believing and creating in Ibero-America. “If you cannot believe in your employees, believe in your company, believe in your government and believe in your country, a climate of distrust is generated in which you are not going to create, you are not going to promote new projects, you are not going to invest, you are not going to create new jobs,” she declared.