On 31 October at 19.30, Filarmonía de Madrid will be attending its annual event with the music of Star Wars and Halloween, an unbeatable occasion for the youngest members of the family to discover the magic of live music and choose their favourite instrument from the orchestra. And what better place than the Symphonic Hall of the Auditorio Nacional de Música?
But it won’t all be music. There will be an exhibition of light sabre combat in the Plaza Rodolfo y Ernesto Halffter, with our friends from the Academia LudoSport Hispania. In addition, the droid R2KT, who will come from a galaxy far, far away, to share the stage with the Orquesta y el Coro Filarmonía, and his dear companion of adventures, Maestro Pascual Osa. Tickets can be purchased at this link.