The Diplomat
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, yesterday hosted a lunch at the Palacio de Viana for the ambassadors of the European Union countries accredited in Madrid, headed by the representative of Slovenia, Robert Krmelj, whose country is chairing the EU Council this semester.
During the lunch, Albares explained Spain’s priorities in foreign policy and especially in European matters, placing special emphasis on social Europe, according to diplomatic sources consulted by The Diplomat.
On his Twitter account, the minister gave an account of his meeting with the ambassadors, including one of the phrases he uttered to them: “Let’s work together so that here, in Brussels and in your capitals, we build the Europe we want: stronger and more prosperous”.
Furthermore, according to the sources consulted, Albares asked the diplomatic representatives to convey to their respective foreign ministers Spain’s wish for them to be present at the 6th Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), which is expected to be held in Barcelona on 29 November.
The Forum, to which ministers from the 26 EU countries and the 16 southern Mediterranean countries that are members of the UfM will be invited, will be held to coincide with the celebration, for the first time, of Mediterranean Day, set for 28 November, with the aim of recognising the culture and diversity of the region and to call on all the states of the basin to work together.
Mediterranean Day, to be held annually, aims to promote a common Mediterranean identity and will commemorate the meeting of EU foreign ministers and 12 southern and eastern Mediterranean countries in Barcelona on 28 November 1995, which launched the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Process, a new framework for dialogue born out of a desire to turn the Mediterranean region into an area of shared peace, stability, security and prosperity.
Spain wanted to celebrate the 25th anniversary of that first Euro-Mediterranean Conference last year, but the pandemic situation at the time lowered the expectations of those attending considerably.
Now that circumstances have changed, the government wants to give importance to the holding of the 6th UfM Regional Forum and is therefore trying to secure the commitment of the foreign ministers to attend the event.