Author: Eduardo Moyano.
Casa Árabe, the Spanish Refugee Aid Commission (CEAR) and Ediciones de la Torre yesterday presented the book Peligro: Refugiados (Danger: Refugees), the third work by journalist Eduardo Moyano on the phenomenon of migration, using, as in the previous books, cinema as a reference point.
We often see images of refugees on television, including, on occasions, dramatic scenes of drowned or dead children in the middle of the desert. We watch helplessly, but also with inaction, as these events become more and more commonplace. Almost eighty million people in the world are refugees. They are refugees from war, from politics, from sex, from religion, even from the climate change that is taking place on the planet. Together with hunger and poverty, they try to work in another country. The line between refugees and immigrants is getting thinner and thinner and continues to grow in the face of the ineffectiveness of rich countries. This book aims to make refugees visible, but at the same time to recognise the work of NGOs and volunteers who have spent decades helping the most vulnerable. Refugees are people like any of us. There is a life behind those lives. Film captures these stories of human beings suffering and struggling to get by. The images the screen conveys are not so perishable. They are there to remind us of those extreme situations that, year after year, are increasing all over the world. Cinema, films, bear witness to and denounce everything that is happening in our time. A percentage of the sales of this book will go to the programmes carried out by the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR).
Pages: 200
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788479607944
RPP: 15,20 euros