PHotoEspaña 2021 and Casa de América present the exhibition Dead Water (Agua muerta), by Marilene Ribeiro, from tomorrow until 10 October at the headquarters of the diplomatic institution.
Human intervention on nature and the effects on the individual are the central theme of this winning project of Descubrimientos PHotoESPAÑA 2020, and the exhibition Dead Water is a joint project between the protagonists of the images – anonymous victims of civil works in regions of Brazil – and the photographer who dismantles the myths of hydroelectricity as a “sustainable and green” source of energy. Through this exhibition, Marilene Ribeiro delves into the lights and shadows of hydroelectric energy, from the perspective of the inhabitants of areas affected by large civil works. The work talks about the lives of those families on the riverbanks that have been affected by the construction of dams for hydroelectric purposes in three different regions of Brazil. The project includes a series of portraits “co-created” between the photographer and the protagonists of the stories in the exhibition, as well as a compilation of images of their material losses due to this phenomenon. Free admission until full capacity is reached.