The Diplomat
The Swedish ambassador, Teppo Tauriainen, last week closed a presentation of Swedish cheeses that have joined the catalogue of Poncelet, a company that already has 80 varieties of Spanish cheese and 240 international ones.
During the presentation, which consisted of a Fika (typical Swedish event), the Almnäs Tegel, Wrängebäck and Anno 1225 types were presented, whose typology was explained by Poncelet’s cheese masters, headed by its CEO, Yolanda Segura, according to this company’s press release.
Each one of them has a special typology and history. Almnäs Tegel is shaped like a brick, following the tradition of its area, weighs more than 20 kilos and has a fruity flavour; Wrängebäck is the oldest brand in Sweden and has a slightly spicy aroma; Anno 1225 is a cheese whose production dates back to the Middle Ages, with a spicy and creamy flavour.