This afternoon at 7pm, Casa Mediterráneo presents an online meeting with the Turkish academic, historian and writer Özlem Kumrular, as part of the Women and the Mediterranean series, which deals with the situation of women in Turkey and their role throughout history. From pre-Islamic times to the 21st century, the writer and historian Özlem Kumrular, author of more than 25 books and an expert on the Modern Age, will address the different stages in which women acquired and/or lost prominence in the society of her country, as well as the rights acquired in the first half of the 20th century with the arrival of the Republic up to the present day.
Also, the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, at the same time and also online, Casa Mediterráneo offers the conference The future of the seas and oceans, with the scientific director of the Marine Research Centre (CIMAR) of the University of Alicante, Alfonso Ramos; the researcher of the Institute of Marine Sciences-CSIC, Cristina Romera-Castillo, and the expert in marine ecology of the Oceanogràfic de València, Andrea Spinelli. Prior registration is compulsory by emailing Finally, on Friday 9 July at 8 p.m., a session of narrations of Andalusian and Moorish legends will take place in the Jardín de los Expulsos in Ojós (Murcia), as part of the series Myths of the Mediterranean. History with a capital letter tells the important events of a place, history with a small letter tells what happened to the people who lived in those lands and at that time. The coexistence of different cultures, religions and knowledge gave abundant and rich fruits, tales and legends that have reached our days with small nuances of the past, but always current. Wit, humour, deceit and love, young men, maidens, artisans, kings and priests are the protagonists of some of these stories.