Eduardo González
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed yesterday that the Government of Morocco did not invite this week the Ambassador of Spain in Rabat, Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner, to an official meeting with foreign representatives accredited in the country.
The president of the Special Commission on the Development Model in Morocco (CSMD), Chakib Benmoussa, held last Tuesday a meeting with foreign ambassadors to explain to them the new national and regional strategies of the Government of Mohamed VI, according to official sources quoted by the Moroccan press.
The ambassadors of Spain and Germany were not invited to the meeting because of the diplomatic crisis opened with these two European countries on the question of Western Sahara, local media reported, specifying that the meeting was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was organized “under the High Instructions of King Mohamed VI”.
Official sources of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed yesterday that the Embassy had not received “any invitation or any formal communication from the Moroccan Government with details on this non-invitation or on a freezing of diplomatic relations”. The German Embassy in Rabat issued a statement a few days ago informing its citizens that Morocco had decided to unilaterally suspend its cooperation with the Embassy and German institutions. This rupture will be effective as of March 1 and will affect consular work.
The same sources specified that the Spanish Government “has not taken any particular decision” related to this incident and maintains its contacts with Rabat at all levels and on “a multitude of issues”, including the current diplomatic conflict with Morocco, which continues to be managed in a “discreet” manner. The conflict with Spain and Germany is part of Morocco’s so far unsuccessful attempts to obtain the support of European countries for its Saharawi claims, especially after the decision of former US President Donald Trump to recognize the Moroccan status of the former Spanish colony.