Author: José María de Juana.
In Y Murieron en el exilio: El largo y duro recorrido por la mujer en España (1868-1940) (And They Died in Exile: The Journey of Women in Spain), José María de Juana (journalist and historian) takes a look at all the movements carried out by Spanish women in their struggle for the recognition of their rights. A hard, misunderstood and, more often than not, counter-current effort. This essay describes the path followed by its most ardent fighters, always bearing in mind the actions carried out by their fellow women beyond the Pyrenees, which in some way marked out the path to be followed. The essay concludes in the early 1940s, when the State annulled all the provisions that had been approved during the Second Republic in favour of their rights. The last chapter is dedicated to those women who, because of their firm convictions about gender equality, were forced to take the path of exile, never to return.
Pages: 1.208
Publisher: ERIDE
Binding: Soft cover
ISBN: 9788417659578
RPP: 28,50 €