Today Monday at 7 p.m., Casa Mediterráneo offers online the conference Sardinia, a kingdom of the Crown of Aragon, as part of the series Stories of the Mediterranean, given by the honorary professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valencia, Lluís Guia.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, at the same time, there will be a virtual colloquium on the Egyptian film Por la noche ellas bailan, the story of a Cairo family and a clan of women where the art of dancing has been passed down from mother to daughter since ancient times. The matriarch runs both family and business, sometimes with patience, but almost always with an iron fist. Raw beauty triumphs over cruel reality. See the viewing guide here. On Wednesday 26th at 11am there will be a guided tour of Casa Mediterráneo’s headquarters, with prior registration required by emailing The following day, Thursday 27th, at 7pm there will be a performance by the group Ombra (pictured), whose music meanders East European, North African, Sephardic and Hispanic traditions from the sands of the Sahara to the shores of the Black Sea and the deep Mediterranean. The best way to dive into this sea of music, roots and traditions is to listen to his latest work called Posidonian Poetry. Registration required by email above. Finally, on Friday 28 May at 7 p.m., as part of the Geostrategy and the Mediterranean series, the round table discussion entitled European Union External Action: Military Missions will be held online, with the participation of Clara Portela, an analyst from the European Union Institute for Security Studies, and Fernando Gracia, General of the Spanish Army and Force Commander for the EUTM Mali Mission.