Text: Juan David Latorre. Photos: @juliaroblesfoto.
In the framework of the celebration of the Haitian Flag Day, yesterday, Tuesday, the presentation of the Cultural Association KreyòlCata took place at the Centro Riojano in Madrid, with the presence of the members of the Haitian Embassy, with its ambassador, Dr. Louis Marie Montfort Saintil, at the head.
“We are currently experiencing an unprecedented crisis,” continued Louis Marie Montfort Saintil, “which obliges us to reflect deeply and to adopt a collective approach to face it. The challenges are many, as Covid-19 is not the only one. In fact, the country is going through a political and socio-economic situation that requires a personal improvement in order to achieve the common objectives. The holding of the constitutional referendum and the organisation of general elections for this year 2021, are some fundamental challenges for the Moïse-Joseph administration, which seeks a new dynamic in the Haitian political landscape marked by modernity and inclusiveness.”
“These projects,” commented Louis Marie Montfort Saintil, “assume the need by all sectors of national life for a paradigm shift towards a Country-Project where we all fit. Where all institutions play their role, where the law prevails, promoting social cohesion and socio-economic development. It is more than appropriate to underline that this change, so much demanded by the Haitian people, is endorsed by 87% of the citizens, according to the latest polls”.
Ambassador Louis Marie Montfort Saintil wanted to thank the entire team of the KreyòlCata Association, “who wanted to celebrate this historic date through this initiative full of cultural activities. Let us adopt more than ever our motto: “Unity is strength” wherever we are. Our country needs us. Our country needs us to be more involved; it’s about the legacy we want to leave for future generations; it’s about the image we want to project to the world”.
James Thegenus, artist and founder and president of the KeyòlCata Cultural Association, then took the floor, expressing his desire to carry out a tireless task of cultural activities at the head of the association in order to make Haitian culture, dance and folklore known. The short film Haiti is a woman’s name, shot by association member Mar Domínguez, was screened, and the event ended with the voice and music of the singer Katy Dadá and the choreography of Talien Marckenley.