The Secretary of State for Democratic Memory is organising a tribute to those who suffered exile in our country on 8 May at 12 noon at Casa América.
This event is part of a series of events to remember the women and men who were exiled and had to flee their homeland as a result of the Civil War and the dictatorship. Far from being defeated, the exiles were the ones who contributed to the fall of fascism in Europe, acquiring, in their own right, a place among those who managed to subjugate the fascist regimes. In this regard, it should be noted that article 1 of Law 52/2007 states that public memory policies “aim to promote democratic values and principles by facilitating knowledge of the events and circumstances that took place during the Civil War and the dictatorship”. Participants included Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz, historian and member of the Royal Academy of History; Veronique Salou, president of the 24 August Association; Cuactemoc Cárdenas, son of former president Lázaro Cárdenas; Ernesto Casanova, president of the Spanish Athenaeum in Mexico, and Pilar Nova, president of the Association of Descendants of Exiles. The event was brought to a close by Carmen Calvo, First Vice-President of the Government. No audience in person, only on Casa América’s Twitter and YouTube channels.