The Teatro Bellas Artes in Madrid has premiered the play El Abrazo, a dramatic comedy by the Swedish writer Christina Herrström, which mixes realism and fantasy, swept along by an unstoppable current of humour.
Allan Fix is a neurotic man in his forties, who leaves his wife Nancy with the excuse that their marriage lacks laughter and has too many films. And what better idea, when your wife leaves you, than to fall in love with your best friend’s wife? María Galiana, Juan Meseguer and Jean Cruz star in these performance, directed and directed by Magüi Mira. El Abrazo (Erling) is an unusual theatrical text, a distant heir to Strindberg, a magical text, with a very personal poetic flight that brings us face to face with the cruelty provoked by the rejection of what is different, with the miseries we exude when we are incapable of assuming another possible reality in which there are no walls to climb.