After the international preview launched online on 2 June on the occasion of the Feast of the Italian Republic, on the initiative of the Instituto Italiano de Cultura in Madrid and under the auspices of the Italian Embassy in Spain, the physical exhibition of the project Le Piazze (in)visibili (The (in)visible Squares) continues its exhibition until the 28th of this month at the Palacio del Condestable in Pamplona, to travel to other Spanish cities in succession.
Created and coordinated by Marco Delogu and promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (General Directorate for the Promotion of the “Sistema Paese”), the exhibition proposes a suggestive journey through the beauty of Italian squares, stimulating reflections on a historical moment of “suspension” and all those identity values that, throughout our history, have developed around the concept of “square”. The description of the Italian squares is based on the images of numerous photographic artists, such as Olivo Barbieri, Jacopo Benassi, Luca Campigotto, Michele Cera, Giovanni Cocco, Alessandro Dandini, among others.