With the aim of stimulating new poetry writing in the Americas, Casa de América announces the XXI Casa de América Prize for American Poetry, with special attention to poems that open up or explore new perspectives and innovative themes.
National authors from any of the countries of the Americas may compete, with works written in Spanish and unpublished. The works submitted to the competition must have a minimum of 300 verses and their theme will be free. They must also be sent by e-mail, in pdf format, in which case two different addresses will be used: the first, premiodepoesia@casamerica.es, for the competing work with the title and corresponding pseudonym; and the second, premiodepoesia.plica@casamerica.es with the title of the competing work, name, photocopy of identity card or proof of nationality, the author’s address and telephone number, as well as a brief curriculum vitae. The deadline for submission of original works is 23 April 2021. Submissions that arrive later than this date will be accepted. The rest of the requirements and rules of the competition can be consulted on the Centre’s website.