Casa América presents this afternoon at 5pm the online conference José Gaspar de France, from citizen assemblies to personalist government, by Herib Caballero Campos, within the series The American heroes two centuries later. Political emotions and the struggle for citizenship. The event can be viewed on the centre’s Youtube channel.
This lecture will give an account of the most significant aspects of the process of building citizenship during the mandate of José Gaspar de Francia. In this sense, a review will be made of the ideas that predominated in his actions with the aim of presenting the discussion that exists regarding the interpretation of his governmental work in the consolidation of the independence process, on the one hand, and the construction of citizenship, on the other, in a regional context that was extremely adverse to the political project sustained by Francia. José Gaspar García Rodríguez de Francia y Velasco (Asunción, 6 January 1766-ibidem, 20 September 1840), also known as Doctor Francia or to the Paraguayans of his time as Karaí Guazú (Great Lord in Guaraní), is considered the ideologue and main leader who led the process of Paraguayan independence from the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, the Brazilian Empire and the Spanish crown.