Author: Antonio R. Rubio Plo.
Human existence is inconceivable without others. This is the conviction shared by the five personalities in the book Solidarios. La vida más allá de uno mismo (Solidarity. Life beyond oneself), by Antonio R. Rubio Plo, an expert in International Law and International Relations, and an analyst of International Politics in various media. He is a lecturer in Comparative Politics, Spanish Foreign Policy and Geography and History, and has been collaborating with the Elcano Royal Institute for more than seven years.
The book presents the life trajectory of five current personalities who share the same conviction: human existence cannot be conceived without others. Svetlana Alexievich, historian and journalist, has given voice to the small voices. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, has always stressed that cultural diversity is a richness and not a threat. Mahamat Saleh Haroun, filmmaker, has captured in his films the pain of the poor and humble in Africa. Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, tireless in his defence of peace as a mediator in armed conflicts. And finally, Antoinette Kankindi, professor of ethics and political philosophy, and a passionate advocate for women. Five men and women who have practised solidarity in word and deed.
Pages: 168
Binding: Soft cover
Publisher: RIALP
ISBN: 978-84-321-5320-4
RPP: 12,00 €