The Sala Fernando Arrabal in Naves del Español in Matadero, a space of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Madrid City Council, will be hosting from tomorrow, Tuesday, a new production of the Teatro Español, which recovers one of the fundamental texts of 20th century theatre: Marat-Sade, by Peter Weiss.
This masterpiece by Weiss, written in the 1960s, deals with the years after the beginning of the French Revolution. A group of patients from Charenton’s house of health, led by its most illustrious resident, the Marquis de Sade, represent the historical events that led to the murder of the revolutionary Jean Paul Marat, stabbed by the young peasant woman Charlotte Corday. A performance that provokes an intense philosophical debate between the ideas of Sade himself and those of the revolutionary Marat. Tickets on this link.