The Chinese Film Series continues at the Assembly Hall of Centro Cultural de China in Madrid, this afternoon at 18:30...
Seguir leyendoDetailsSpain abroad is the title of the concert that the North American pianist Adam Kent offers this afternoon at 20:00...
Seguir leyendoDetailsOn Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until July 29, Pavón Teatro Kamikaze (9 Embajadores Street) presents the play Iphigenia in Vallecas,...
Seguir leyendoDetailsAfrican cinema at Sala Berlanga of Madrid (53 Andrés Mellado Street) with the VI edition of Women are cinema, a...
Seguir leyendoDetailsTomorrow, July 7, at 18:30 hrs, Centro Cultural de China in Madrid is screening the film Mr. Six, directed by...
Seguir leyendoDetailsWith the collaboration of the US Embassy, Centro Sefarad-Israel offers, on July 19 at 19:00 hrs, the concert Gershwin and...
Seguir leyendoDetailsOne more year, the International Institute celebrates the 4th of July, Independence Day of the United States, at the American...
Seguir leyendoDetailsCentro Cultural de China of Madrid inaugurates, on July 4, a series of Chinese cinema in its Assembly Hall. The...
Seguir leyendoDetailsCentro Cultural Coreano celebrates, on July 7 at 12:00 hrs, the seventh edition of the Contest K-POP in Spain, which...
Seguir leyendoDetailsInstituto Cervantes and Instituto Caro y Cuervo commemorate, this afternoon at 18:30 hrs, at the headquarters of the first (49...
Seguir leyendoDetailsThe Diplomat in Spain, es el diario digital de referencia para diplomáticos y empresas que quieren estar bien informados.