Photo: Instituto Cervantes
The Diplomat. 15/07/2017
A total of 10,569 candidates were examined on Friday around the world to obtain the Spanish diploma DELE, 4% more than last year. Spain, Japan and China were the countries with the most examinations in yesterday’s call, while Italy was the country with the highest number of candidates in the four calls for the first half of the year.
The DELE is the official title that accredits the linguistic competence and issued by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. It has an indefinite validity, is internationally recognized and is implemented in regulated education in several countries.
Seven convocations are offered per year. The July exams have been the fourth of this year and another three DELE exams are planned for the remainder of the year: September 14, October 5 and November 9-10.
In Spain, according to Cervantes, more than 4,500 people showed up for Friday’s test. It is followed by the number of Tokyo examiners, with 1,079; Beijing, with 823; Athens, with 545; and Rio de Janeiro, with 296.
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Italy was the country with the most candidates in the first half of the year
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On the other hand, according to the Cervantes Institute, almost 20,300 candidates have submitted in Italy to the four convocations of the first semester of 2018, which represents a growth of 7% over the same period of the previous year and allows this country to lead the list corresponding to the number of candidates.
The center that has increased the most in terms of the number of candidates is Naples, with 17% more, followed by Palermo, Milan and Rome. Besides, in this first semester of the year, Kyrgyzstan and Mauritania have organized for the first time the exams to obtain DELE.