Enrique Miguel Sánchez Motos
Civil Administrator of the State
Soraya is facing Casado. The machine of the People’s Party should know that, of the 66,706 members that registered to vote in the primaries, 58,103 voted and of them only 21,513 chose Soraya. On the other hand, there is clear evidence of what she has done during the seven months she has exercised, de facto, as president of the Catalan Government. The unfortunate results of her management, which she has not renounced, are visible. The poor Albiol confirmed it in the last autonomous Catalan election.
Now it is the turn of the central nucleus of the machine, made up of the 2,512 delegates elected in the primaries, plus the 522 delegates ex officio. They have a serious decision to make.
Pablo Casado is not much known. He has recently admitted that during the time he was spokesperson, he did not say everything he thought. That is normal: we all know that the one moving does not appear in the picture. If the Law of Parties does not include, as it is constitutionally obliged to do, instruments to guarantee free opinion, there will never be democracy in the parties.
Casado has the advantage of having started on a good note, saying that for a long time he has kept his opinion to himself. What we need now is to know what those opinions are. Casado has pointed out that he is close to Aznar and that he has the support of María Dolores de Cospedal. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that Casado is firmer regarding the most serious issue Spain is facing: the Catalan separatism.
Soraya is discrediting herself. Firstly, by questioning the second round in the primaries. Secondly, by not accepting the debate proposed by Casado. That proves that Soraya is more of the same and that she does not want to touch ideological and program aspects. With her, PP would have a very black future in the next election.
Casado could be a revulsive for PP and for Spain on condition that he formulated firm proposals on key matters.
In Spain, the Catalan separatism has been the last straw. The citizens have had enough. The autonomous issue threatens to break Spain and it has created serious inequalities experienced, especially, by those living on the border between two autonomous communities.
The autonomies have multiplied the political “class”, and they have created a huge amount of political positions that cost a lot of money. And let us not talk about the Catalan “embassies”. A great and growing majority of citizens is tired of this situation and the party that, calmly and collectedly, but clearly and firmly, makes appropriate proposals will probably win the vote in the future election.
Casado can awake PP, but Ciudadanos and VOX must wake up too. We have to trust that PSOE wakes up too, since the road of cessions started by President Sánchez can take his party to policies closer to those of Zapatero.
In a real path towards a true freedom, equality and fraternity, the French Catalan Spanish Manuel Valls could be an element of cohesion. But before that each Party should make specific proposals on State matters such as the freedom of linguistic choices, the respect for the hymn and symbols of Spain, finally overcoming the civil war, the minimum of national vote to have members of parliament in the Congress, etc.
The parties must address all the essential aspects to guarantee the democratic coexistence proposed by the preamble of our Constitution. To wait for the storm to pass we had Rajoy. What Spain needs is very different.
13/07/2018. © All rights reserved.