Nives Malenica, new ambassador of Croatia to Spain
Nives Malenica is the new ambassador of Croatia to Spain to replace Ambassador Svjetlan Berkovic, who finished his term as ...
Nives Malenica is the new ambassador of Croatia to Spain to replace Ambassador Svjetlan Berkovic, who finished his term as ...
Nives Malenica es la nueva embajadora de Croacia en España en sustitución del embajador Svjetlan Berkovic, que terminó su periodo ...
His Majesty the King will receive tomorrow, Tuesday, at the Royal Palace, the Letters of Credence that will be presented ...
Su Majestad el Rey recibirá mañana, martes, en el Palacio Real, las Cartas Credenciales que le presentarán siete nuevos embajadores ...
The Council of Ministers authorized last Friday the signing of the agreement on air transport between Spain and Nicaragua, which ...
El Consejo de Ministros autorizó el pasado viernes la firma del acuerdo sobre Transporte Aéreo entre España y Nicaragua, que ...
Casa Árabe in Madrid hosts tomorrow, February 5 at 7 pm, the cycle Spanish journalists in Arab countries, an opportunity ...
Casa Árabe acoge Periodistas españoles en países árabes, oportunidad de conocer el contenido informativo proveniente de Oriente Medio y
The Teatros del Canal of the Community of Madrid present in three unique performances on February 8, 9 and 10, ...
Los Teatros del Canal el estreno de ¡Viva!, una coreografía de flamenco en la que siete bailaores exploran el universo ...
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