<h6><strong>The Diplomat</strong></h6> <h4><strong>Elcano Royal Institute, Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB) and Alternativas Foundation once again stood among the world's leading think tanks, according to the Global Index produced by the University of Pennsylvania since 2007 <a href="https://repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=think_tanks">(Global Go To Think Tank</a>).</strong></h4> The Index, whose study on 2018 was released yesterday, is the result of an analysis of a total of 8162 (of which 1972 are in North America and 2219 in Europe), in which more than 12,800 experts have participated with their votes. of the five continents, including journalists, university professors, public and private donors, and political leaders. The main Spanish think tanks have improved their positions in the different categories. Thus, the Elcano Royal Institute was ranked ninth among Western Europeans, when last year it ranked number 17. Cidob, for its part, ranks number 12, climbing three; and Fundación Alternativas, 33, with a six-position promotion. At the global level, which includes the numerous existing US think tanks, CIDOB is the first Spanish, ranked 37, followed by Elcano, in 48; and of Alternatives in 132. If the United States is excluded, the positions are, respectively, 28, 38 and 93. The Elcano Royal Institute is the Spanish think tank best placed in the category of International Relations and Foreign Policy. He climbs to the 15th position in the world, ascending eight positions and continuing the progressive improvement since 2011, when he was ranked 49th. As for Cidob, the Index gives it the fourth position in the think tanks category to follow in the world. For its part, the Alternativas Foundation stands out in four other categories worldwide: Best Think Tanks Management (58); Best Idea and Paradigm for a Think Tank (51); Best Think Tanks Platform (64) and Best Use of Social Networks (35).