Ghana’s Embassy opens Book of Condolences on the death of Kofi Annan
The Embassy of the Republic of Ghana opened, from today and until Friday, at its headquarters in Poeta Joan Maragall ...
The Embassy of the Republic of Ghana opened, from today and until Friday, at its headquarters in Poeta Joan Maragall ...
La Embajada de la República de Ghana ha abierto, desde hoy y hasta el viernes, en su sede de la ...
The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who will begin a tour of several Ibero-American countries next Monday, has in ...
El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, que el lunes próximo comenzará una gira por varios países iberoamericanos, lleva en su ...
Spain, through the ICEX, will participate in September in two events in China to promote Spanish food and wine in ...
España, a través del ICEX, participará en septiembre en dos eventos en China para promocionar en ese país los alimentos ...
China's ambassador to Spain, Lyu Fan, inaugurated the Evergrande Cup Championship at Madrid's Ciudad del Fútbol yesterday, a tournament promoted ...
El embajador de China en España, Lyu Fan, inauguró ayer el Campeonato de la Copa Evergrande en la Ciudad del ...
Instituto Cultural Rumano and the Romanian Embassy are organizing a series of activities on Thursday, August 30, aimed at all ...
El Instituto Cultural Rumano y la Embajada de Rumanía organizan el jueves 30 de agosto una serie de actividades destinadas ...
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