Spain sees unlikely to advance with Trump in a solution for Palomares
The Spanish Government is convinced that it will be nearly impossible to move forward with the Trump Administration in a ...
The Spanish Government is convinced that it will be nearly impossible to move forward with the Trump Administration in a ...
El Gobierno español está convencido de que será prácticamente imposible avanzar con la Administración Trump en una solución que permita ...
This year marks 350 years since the Court of the unfortunate Carlos II received in Madrid Piotr Ivanovich Potemkin, who ...
The Spanish Government asked Latvia's Government to grant its agrément to the appointment as Ambassador to Latvia to the diplomat ...
El Gobierno ha decidido solicitar el plácet a Letonia para nombrar embajadora en ese país a la diplomática Susana Cámara, ...
The new ambassador of Spain to the UN Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), the leader of the PSOE ...
El nuevo embajador de España ante la Organización de la ONU para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), ...
The Diplomat in Spain, es el diario digital de referencia para diplomáticos y empresas que quieren estar bien informados.