ASEAN aims to strengthen relationship with Spain in its 51st anniversary
Thai ambassador, Rattikul Chansuriya, said yesterday that the ASEAN Committee in Madrid (ACM) "will continue to play a constructive role ...
Thai ambassador, Rattikul Chansuriya, said yesterday that the ASEAN Committee in Madrid (ACM) "will continue to play a constructive role ...
La embajadora de Tailandia, Rattikul Chansuriya, afirmó ayer que el Comité de ASEAN en Madrid (CAM) “continuará jugando un papel ...
Foreign Affairs Minister, Josep Borrell, revealed yesterday that the current director of the Diplomatic School, Ramón Gil-Casares, will be the ...
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell, desveló ayer que el actual director de la Escuela Diplomática, Ramón Gil-Casares, será ...
Spanish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (AECID) has contributed a total of 100,000 euros to the Red Cross and ...
La Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) ha aportado un total de 100.000 euros a la Cruz ...
Number of women in the Diplomatic Service has stagnated in recent years at the threshold of 25%, a phenomenon that ...
El número de mujeres que forman parte de la Carrera Diplomática se ha estancado en los últimos años en el ...
The German government will start from Saturday, day 11, to return to Spain immigrants who are in Germany, but entered ...
El Gobierno alemán comenzará partir del sábado, día 11, a devolver a España a inmigrantes que se encuentran en Alemania, ...
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