Sánchez and Merkel, during their meeting last June.
Luis Ayllón. 07/08/2018
Spanish Government President, Pedro Sanchez, will receive this weekend to the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at the Doñana National Park, as announced today Moncloa Palace.
Sánchez, who spends a short holidays with his family at Las Marismillas farm, invited Angela Merkel to spend Saturday and Sunday in Doñana to review the main issues of the bilateral and European agenda, with special attention to the migration, an issue in which both governments try to maintain a joint approach.
In addition, they will address the reform of the economic and monetary union, in which Sánchez wants to emphasize the need to take into account the social pillar and quality in employment.
The note by Moncloa highlights the «excellent harmony» that exists between both leaders and adds that Merkel’s stay in Doñana will also be used to explain the work that is being carried out in defense of endangered species, such as the Iberian lynx.