Palace of Santa Cruz, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Luis Ayllón. 03/08/2018
The Spanish Government is proceeding to the renewal of its ambassadors in several countries of sub-Saharan Africa, among them in Mozambique, where today the Council of Ministers can approve the appointment of Carmen Buján, said sources to The Diplomat.
In recent weeks, the Executive of Pedro Sanchez has already appointed several ambassadors in the aforementioned area, respecting the distribution made by the previous Government. In particular, new ambassadors have already been appointed to Guinea Bissau (Marcos Rodríguez), Gabon (Fernando Alonso) and Ivory Coast (Ricardo López Aranda).
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Carmen Buján will go to Mozambique; Ramón Moreno, to Cameroon; Javier Romera, to Namibia; and Dolores Ríos, to Cape Verde
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Now, Carmen Buján will join the list as Ambassador in Maputo, where she will replace Álvaro Alabart. Buján is currently the General Inspector of Services, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after having been Permanent Representative to the UN and international organizations in Vienna and general director of Strategic Affairs and Terrorism.
In addition, in the next Council of Ministers will take place the appointments of Ramón Moreno as Ambassador to Cameroon; Javier Romera, to Namibia; and Dolores Ríos to Cape Verde, as The Diplomat already announced.