Categories: Tiempo libre

‘El baile de la corrupción’, by Jorge Trias Sagnier


Author: Jorge Trias Sagnier.


El baile de la corrupción (The dance of corruption) shows the Gürtel case and its derivations through what the former member of parliament of PP Jorge Trias Sagnier saw for being in direct contact with Luis Bárcenas and the party leadership. His testimony is key to understanding the political and legal plot of one of the biggest scandals of corruption of the Spanish democracy. “There are situations in life that you cannot avoid, they are with you forever. And the fact of having participated in politics is one of them. In my case, the Gürtel, with its complex legal and political plot, would never leave me. No matter how much I tried to stay away, this story that had plainly showed me the darkest cave of the People’s Party, the cruelest and meanest side of politics, did not want to let me go. I knew too much. There was no turning back”, says Jorge Trias Sagnier.


Pages: 288.
Format: Softback.
Publishing house: S.A. EDICIONES B.
ISBN: 9788466664141.
Price: 18.90 euros.


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Juan David Latorre

Published by
Juan David Latorre

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